Best Practices
Dividing Code into Systems

Dividing Code into Systems

This page discusses situations in which either you need to divide your code into multiple Systems, or it seems like that would be a good solution.

Good reasons

There are several reasons to divide the code in a namespace into multiple Systems.


It is easier to write and maintain code that is modular (opens in a new tab). If two parts are logically distinct, with a limited interface between them, it might make sense to create them as two different Systems. Such a division can simplify QA and upgrades.

Access control considerations

Each System is either publicly accessible (can be called by anybody) or accessible only from authorized addresses. These addresses can be:

If access to some functions needs to be restricted to specific addresses, those functions belong in a separate System from the rest of the namespace.


Access to a private System in a namespace is granted to the namespace owner, as well as all Systems within that namespace. If you need to disallow access from a separate System, put the private System in a different namespace.

Another consideration is that code should be given only those permissions necessary to perform its tasks (the Principle of Least Privilege (opens in a new tab)). If only some of the functions of a System need to have certain privileges, it might make sense to put those functions in a separate System.

Access to the root namespace

This is a particularly extreme example of least privilege. The root namespace is extremely privileged. So the code that has to run the root namespace should be a separate System from the code that can be in a different namespace.

Bad reasons

There are problems that could be solved by dividing your logic into multiple Systems, but that are better handled by other solutions.

Shared logic

If some logic is shared between two different Systems, it is tempting to write a third System that implements it and call it from both of them. However, a simpler solution is to use a Solidity library (opens in a new tab) to implement the shared logic.

Contract size limit

Ethereum contracts are limited in size, but you can always use a public library to work around that limit.

Calling multiple Systems

It is pretty common to already have two different Systems, and then need to call them together. For example, imagine you have a System that manages the player's position, called LocationSystem. The player can call a move function. Then you have another System, EnergySystem. The player can call an eat function. Now you want a combined action, eatAndMove.

There are multiple ways to create this combined action, only some of which require the extra complication of a third System.

Use batch calls (from the client)

Under these conditions:

  • You want eat and move to happen in sequence.
  • You want them to happen atomically (so you can't just call eat and then move).
  • You have no additional logic that needs to happen between them.

You can achieve this by using batch calls, without any need for changes in the World.


  1. The client sends a batchCall that includes call to eat and move.
  2. The batchCall component inside the World calls the first function, eat.
  3. After the eat function returns, the batchCall component calls move.

Move code into libraries

Under these conditions:

  • You control the namespace of LocationSystem and EnergySystem.
  • The permissions required for move and eat are the same.

You can move the code for move and eat into public libraries. These libraries can then be called from LocationSystem, EnergySystem, and CombinedActionSystem.


More complicated solutions

The above solutions are preferable, but sometimes they don't work. For example, if you need to ensure some code runs between eat and move, you can't have the client use batchCall. If you are writing an extension to a game written by somebody else, you don't have control of the namespaces of the Systems, so you can't just move code into public libraries.

No trusted context

Any call that a System receives from the World has some context information: the identity of the caller and the ETH value transferred by the call. If eat and move don't rely on this context information you can create a third System that called the World for eat and move, just as an unrelated contract would. The caller identity will be the address of that System, and the value transferred will be zero regardless of the original value, but this is OK for some applications.


CombinedActionSystem first calls the World with the function call game__eat. This call is translated by the World to eat in EnergySystem, located in the game namespace. This flow is shown in yellow.

Then, CombinedActionSystem calls the World with the function call game__move. This call is translated by the World to move in LocationSystem, which is also located in the game namespace. This flow is shown in green.


This applies only to a case where the third System is not in the root namespace. If the root namespace is necessary, see below.

Calling with the caller's identity

If the functions require the identity of the message sender, you can still call them from a separate System (as long as it is not running in the root namespace) using delegation. Non-root Systems have their own addresses, so you can ask users to call registerDelegation to allow your System to act on their behalf, and then your system can use callFrom to send the user's identity when calling eat and move.

Note that this only works for _msgSender() (the MUD version of msg.sender). It does not let you propagate the value for _msgValue() (the MUD version of msg.value).


When root namespace is unavoidable

There are a few cases that require System functions to be called from the root namespace.

  • The called System needs to know the value sent with the transaction to the caller System.
  • You cannot use callFrom because users won't sign registerDelegation.
  • The code that the calling System has to implement needs to be in the root namespace for some other reason (for example, to modify root tables).

In those cases, you can use SystemCall if the message sender is authorized to call the System directly. If the message sender is not normally authorized you can use WorldContextProviderLib.callWithContext (opens in a new tab), a low level function that bypasses access controls.